Sunday, March 9, 2008

Wearing "Computer Hoodie"

Wearing "Computer Hoodie"
Originally uploaded by c0nn0r
I finally worked out how to download a photo from Flickr thanks to a tip from Ellen on the Library 2.0 blog. I needed to look for the 'blog this' in very tiny print at the top of the photo then register my blog with google. Anyway I just followed the prompts and said yes to everything....could have been giving permission to hack my computer : ) But hey, what a photo!! A solution to privacy issues hehehe!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean.. at one point things seemed a little out of control, and if i didn't want to spend hours scrutinizing everything i had to click yes yes yes. I just hoped that everyone did the same thing so it was safe. Really love your blog setup and colours too!